Our Story

Our Story
We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time and miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.
~ Kristi Larson ~

Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, You didn't grow under my heart - but in it!
~ Fleur Conkling Heylinger ~
Adoption is not the call to have the perfect, rosy family. It is the CALL to Give LOVE, MERCY, and PATIENCE.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Here We Go Again - Krohn Family of EIGHT!!

FOUR years ago over spring break, our world was changed with a simple conversation in our kitchen.  It only took a couple of week for God to take our questioning hearts and turn them into a passion for orphans worldwide.  God led us to Ethiopia to grow our family through adoption and to bring a precious little girl into our home.  As with most things in life, God had plans that were higher than our own, and we ended up bringing TWO amazing kiddos home from Ethiopia - - neither of them being a girl!  You can read about our journey to our boys HERE and HERE!

It will be three years this Spring when we stood in the orphanage courtyard in Ethiopia, surrounded by dozens of amazing little blessings that had lived through more life than they should have had to at their young age -- we looked into each others eyes and we knew we were not done.  We knew that God had chosen our family to walk this journey - not to bless a child - - but to be blessed by the children that He has and will bring into our family.

As we brought the boys home and waded through the good and bad days that make up blending and healing and getting to know new members of the family, our thoughts of adding another was on the back burner.  It became a "maybe" instead of a "some day".  As life has settled into a new normal, we have felt God softly prompting our hearts to be more like His.  His gentle nudge to look at what we can do - who can we love - how can we make a difference.  It didn't take much to know what God was asking of us.  It's the promise we made to our daughter, THREE years ago next month, when we moved forward with her new little brother....it was time for our DAUGHTER.

In typical fashion, I passionately went to work narrowing down what programs would be the best fit for our family.  We prayerfully looked into our options and allowed God to close doors.  We spent months praying and allowing God to lead us.  If we learned anything last time, we know that it will be an adventure of ups and downs - - of unexpected twists - - and of faithful obedience.

So - we are officially starting a new chapter.  Our plans (for now) are to pursue a domestic adoption here in the US. We officially kick off the process next week when we meet with our agency and start the paperwork.  We talked with the kids about it tonight and they are all excited in their own ways - - Nahome wants a brother, Noah wants to bring home two, Leah is over the moon excited to finally be getting a sister, Jarod and Isaiah are reflective and thoughtful.  As soon as we sat down to our "Family Meeting" Jarod and Noah guessed exactly what it was about....they know our family and our hearts, and everyone is excited to see what God has planned.

We know from walking this journey before that we cannot do this alone!  Adoption is one of the most emotionally exhausting things I have ever been a part of -- adoption is rooted in grief and heartache that is very real.  There will be joy and rejoicing and there will be fear and confusion.  We will need a village of support to walk this journey with us - - to encourage us along the way.

If you'd like to support us along this process, here are some ways!

* PRAYER - - we know that we cannot do this alone!  When talking with my best friend about the prospect of adopting again she said "SIX??  Wow - you sure you are sane enough for that??"  My response to her was - "NO - I know I'm not sane enough!  God doesn't ask for sane - just obedient - and He will take care of the rest."
-Pray for our daughter - wherever she is - that she would be safe and surrounded by people who care for her.
- Pray for our children as we walk this journey - that their hearts would be prepared to embrace another child into our home.
- Pray for our paperwork as we start compiling it all - - that it will go smoothly.
- Pray that we would truly follow God's leading in searching for our daughter - that we would trust Him and His plan for our family.  ALL IN - Not Try to put GOD in a BOX!

* FINANCIAL - - A domestic adoption in no way will be as financially demanding as an international adoption.  We will however have adoption and travel expenses.  God has blessed us and we know He will continue to provide all that is needed.  If you would like to help out financially, we would simply ask for an $8 donation to support our family of EIGHT!  It is less than a movie ticket - about two cups of coffee at Starbucks - and it will change a child's life forever!  If you would like to make a donation you can do that by clicking on the PayPal link on the left of the blog.

We are very excited to follow God's plan for adding a new sister to our crew!  Thanks for following our journey and supporting us along the way.  Stay tuned to see how it all plays out...

“Every night I pray to God to keep you in his arms until I can hold you in mine.” – Unknown